Tomorrow are school pictures...oh my. Ours start at 8am. Because that's the best time to ask a preschooler to smile after you've dressed him up and told him not to touch anything and slicked his hair down.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Get Ready!
Tomorrow are school pictures...oh my. Ours start at 8am. Because that's the best time to ask a preschooler to smile after you've dressed him up and told him not to touch anything and slicked his hair down.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Talking With...
There's this really weird dichotomy to 4-year-olds. The boy who liked to mush everything together on his plate a few months ago DOES NOT! want his corn to touch his chili. And the grapes he loved last summer will not pass his lips now. Ahhh, to be four. But then, as we talk, if I can sit still long enough, he blows me away.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
can't deny it any longer
Baby feet are one of my favorite things in the whole world. They're shapeless, funkless, with kissable little toes. The little tootsies in this picture are my niece's baby feet, sprinkled with the cutest possible touch of sand. How sweet are those feet!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wow-that was quick!
I can't believe it's September!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
And the living is easy
It's keeping up with it that's hard. We've put on the miles this summer-a two-week trip to Oak Island, NC; two trips to Indiana for fun & birthdays; a trip to SC before the beach; a drive to Kentucky for a wedding (yeah!); and I know I'm missing something else on this list!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
here fishy, fishy, fishy...
Memorial Day marked a year and a day since we landed in Nashville's BNA airport with our sweet prince. I can't even remember what we did that first day back. I think sleep was involved, but it seemed there was a stream of visitors and well-wishers, too. Shane's folks were in town, and they stayed at a hotel to give our brand new family some space to recover--and then dropped in to make sure we were getting fed and rested. Yeah, grandparents!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Something tells me it's all happening...
We went to the zoo last week with friends. What a great idea to take three boys & their little sisters to the zoo together & have a picnic lunch! Of course, only one of the two sisters wanted to be in the photo-when the other one burst into tears & screaming mid-shoot, YoYo looked at her & declared, "That's pitiful."
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
looking back
Today was YoYo's last day of preschool. Wow. Just wow. He has so enjoyed his classmates--he calls them, "my children." Like he's Moses. One afternoon, he waved as we left, calling, "Goodbye, my children." I was waiting for them to reply, "Au revoir, mon pere."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A year has officially passed now since Fu Tian You became our very own Tian Yo Caudill. May 12, 2008, will be remembered by hundreds of thousands as the day of the Sichuan earthquake, but for us, it is the day we were born as a family!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day (after)
So, by this time last year, I had my first Mother's Day-and so so many beautiful emails and prayers for a lovely one from friends! That brings me to this-and I'm overdue, but I was without internet this weekend precisely because I was celebrating my (little) sister's first Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Being Born
Remembering how we felt on our first day was refreshing, like a clear pool of cool water. When I remember Day 2 in China, it feels a little more like the feelings I've had since. That's when we saw YoYo's ostomies for the first time. Watching his care routine, all the thoughts about one child's worth, about adopting a baby nobody else would want, and any place where I was tempted to think we were nice people for "doing this" (whatever that means) were entirely flushed from my head and replaced with, "What the HELL were we thinking?!? We can't do this! Who did we think we are to try to care for this little boy?"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
happy birthday to family
The songs in your head are now on my mind...
Monday, April 6, 2009
4 is the magic number
Monday, March 30, 2009
Pride goes...
I planned a great Saturday. It was full of errands-things that could be checked off lists to make me feel Productive! and Efficient! The only thing I wasn’t looking forward to? Buying underwear. I have underwear that has traveled to more countries than Sarah Palin. Underwear that should be retired. But clever me-I had a coupon for Victoria’s Secret!
We went to Textile Fabric to see the remnant sale first. The only way I could keep YoYo interested was to steer him toward telling me the textures of the fabrics. He LOVED that game.
I put off the mall until the end. I hate the mall. But I had checked so much off my list-this was the last thing! We walk into VS, and I think, “It’s underwear-YoYo’s 3. He doesn’t care.” Sure enough, as we walk in, he points to a mannequin. “What’s that lady doing?”
“She’s not a real lady-she’s just pretend.”
“Is she wearing lady clothes?” Hadn’t ever heard it put that way, but ok, I guess that makes sense. They’re clothes (kind of), and they are on a lady (kind of). It’s like I don’t see what’s coming next. “Yes, those are lady clothes.”
“Is that lady pretend, too?”
“Yes, all the ladies in here are pretend.” Now I’m actually a little smug, because I think I’ve dropped some kind of social commentary on my toddler. He’ll be so sophisticated!
We get to the table thingy that has all the underwear in the little back room, and I’m safe. We’re past photos and mannequins, and this room’s harmless—panties & bras.
So YoYo turns around to the Sale rack and goes into fabric store mode. He does the fabric drill—touch it with your fingers, rub it on your cheek—and he says (so so so loudly), “Mama, this is AMAZING! Are ALL these lady clothes?” The store is suddenly so very quiet.
I still have that coupon, if anyone wants it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Uncle Fun
In the spirit of catching up, I'll share a bit about the phenomenon called Uncle Craig.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Catching up
There's so much to tell-so many beautiful days and grumpy moments and fears for the future and sighs that things were easier than anticipated-and that was just in a few weeks!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Day in the Life
Friday, February 27, 2009
Gogo, too?
Monday, February 23, 2009
he feels "yucky"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This Just Happened
Friday, February 13, 2009
New Kid in Town
So, it's about time. I'm finally posting about my "little" sister's first baby! I can't tell you how much we've burned up the road between Franklin, TN, and SC for this little girl! The week of baby Reagan's arrival alone, we drove to my folks' house, then to Columbia and back three times, to Charlotte and back once, and to Asheville and back once before coming home. Grand total? Somewhere near 21oo miles in 9 days. YoYo is a SAINT-that little boy never cried once, although he did ask, "Are we almost there?" roughly once per mile. We listened to his Muppets CD nearly 32 times. I kid you not.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Kudos, sighs, and snippets
So I stay up. YoYo has to be cathed every 4 hours, and though it slows at night, he still needs a cath somewhere in there. I do it around 2 am and again at 8. It was beginning to wear on me--I couldn't go to sleep and set an alarm, because I didn't want to wake Shane & I was afraid I'd sleep through. That sounds pitiful, especially when you read Superwoman's feats at But I'd roll over at 8 am and think, "Can't do it." I'd do it-I was just beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. In the meantime, I was worried I was holding him back, because we're only doing 3-4 caths in the bathroom weekly--the rest are on his changing table.
Then we saw Dr. John Brock last week-YoYo's urologist. He did an ultrasound and checked urine. Turns out, he thinks we're doing a good job-the urine counts show we're cathing often and taking our time. He doesn't want me to rush the bathroom-the changing table is ok. AAAANNNNDD...YoYo's gaining weight! He's up to 30 lbs. now from the 23 he weighed in June. Sure, some 2T stuff still hangs tentlike on him, but we're moving along, and my fears of bone density and nutritional problems are fading. It's amazing how a little Dr. visit can kickstart your attitude.
I think one of the hard things has been that people have asked what can be done to "fix" YoYo or to make him "better." It's not a bad or wrong question to ask. It is hard to hear, however, that if we just keep praying, God can work a miracle that will astound the doctors and mend YoYo's body.
Now PLEASE do not read this and think you've done something wrong if you've thought or said anything like that; likewise, I hope you can afford grace to not judge anyone who HAS asked that. I would have done the VERY SAME thing before adopting YoYo. Part of loving one another, I think, is being free enough to not be afraid to ask those questions or to hope past what seems medically possible--it's how we help, it's part of community, and it is soooo ok. If we can't tell each other the things we dare to dream for each other, then how can we love and know each other? This is where we live! and these are the hands and feet we have! Can I be free enough to receive another's brave hope for us without attaching strings to how it should be worded or thought?
My idea of wholeness needs tweaking. The Author and Finisher of his little body SPOKE IT INTO BEING. I think I'm just now receiving that if He wants to change anything, He can, without secretly meaning that I think because He can, He should. If He doesn't? I don't think we'll fall out of His hands. If anyone who loves us or just hears of our sweet little man feels moved to pray for anything, far be it from me to set my face against that hope. For me, the miracle is that YoYo is our son, the waiting child for whom we waited so long. The daily care thing is so normal now that I don't think of him as "handicapped," I think of him as a 3-year-old whose energy and appetite for learning leaves me in the dust on the ground gasping for breath. He is formidable. That's funny, because I have to catch myself when someone feels sorry for him or can't believe how awful his condition is--it's like I've completely forgotten that just a few years ago, I would have only heard about bladder exstrophy through TV or charity appeals--like it would have been some sci-fi thing.
Enough! Now for the snippets...
Shilo is no longer mine. YoYo told me quite seriously, "Shilo is MY dog, MaMa. I feed her and pet her, but I can share her with you. You can pet her if you want to." So when the next vet bill comes, kid, what you're saying is...
We went to Barnes & Noble and discovered that some GENIUS installed a train table in the kids' section. I cannot tell you what this means to us. Suffice it to say, he's still got his coat on in the photo-when I asked him to take it off, he said, "There's not enough time, Mama." Apparently my priorities are all wrong.
YoYo wants to read. We've been playing games with letters in the tub, on the fridge, on blocks-when he initiates-but he does NOT want to spend time on the letter "B," people. He wants to know how to spell "BABA" right now! Yeah, yeah, these letters are all nice, lady, and I hear what you're saying, but what can I WRITE?! In the meantime, he channels his energy into color sorting. It's probably some cyrillic code.