Friday, February 15, 2008

far away, so close

Just when you thought it was the wierdest, something new happens to make this journey ever strange.

The friends with whom we traveled to China last year are returning to Beijing next week. Last year's trip began with an artists' conference, at which we were the guest speakers, and moved on to include a visit to a medical foster home (where our hearts changed forever, sans sentimentality), the opening ceremonies of a training center for worship leaders (very hush-hush), and of course seven days near Tibet (where it would be nice to start an apple-canning business).

This year's trip has a different itinerary, but the one item that keeps this blog by invitation only is a jaw-dropper. They're going to Youyou's house. THEY'RE GOING TO YOUYOU'S HOUSE!!! The guy with the tickets and the itinerary is from Singapore, as is the woman who helped start YouYou's home, and when it first seemed that we'd be traveling "in February by the latest" to get our little boy (how I remember those days), this guy decided to schedule this year's trip to coincide with our own adoption travel, just because he wanted to share in that moment. Turns out, we don't know when we'll be going, but his group is traveling next week, and since they'll be passing "the Riviera," the area immediately outside of the Beijing airport which is filled with expatriates and has Youyou's home on its fringe, they're just going to casually drop by...

...and meet our little boy.

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