Thursday, February 21, 2008

Aww, you shouldn't have

No, really. I shouldn’t have. I went to St. Louis to follow up an email I sent to our agency's headquarters.

I was encouraged by the presence of the China Program Director, Program Coordinator, and our contact, an Administrative Coordinator. Two had copies of my email, which voiced concerns from lost paperwork to rotating caseworkers to conflicting information.

The Program Director left early to get her kids. The remaining Coordinators took polar roles. Administrative C was concerned but outranked by Program C, who remained impassive. It was up to me to initiate each point of discussion. I realized we are on our own. Agencies are liaisons who facilitate adoption. That’s all. Though never stated, it was clear from Program C’s dismissal of each issue. I was the classic anxious adoptive parent, and my questions, world-shaking to me, are the latest trivial moments she has heard in 12 years. She countered each sentence of mine with one that made light of or didn’t address my issue. I’d respond, and she’d restate her words. I’d take my point further, and she’d echo her first sentence. It was not unlike talking to a road sign. The 2 Coordinators shifted conversation after a while to making jewelry, their effort to offer me an exit without further embarrassment. I didn’t press the issue—I actually just watched, as if in a lab, to see how trivialized my words could become.

The staff at our agency have bios online. The one for Program C states that seeing children find a home is her ministry. It is doubtless a demanding one, but she has focused on the children to the exclusion of parents. The passion to rescue children hasn’t grown into a partnership with families. It’s a subtle distinction in words, but a giant one in actual support, not unlike the difference I’ve seen between my school and other private schools who want to be “Christian” schools.

Thanks be to God for a supportive community of friends. The ones without mission statements seem to help the most.


Susania said...

I didn't think it could get any more appalling, but once again my horizons are stretched. There must be some reason for this constant stonewalling and almost LABORED apathy; so I cling to the impassive monument that is God's Sovereignty and wait.

Unknown said...

Oh my lord. You need to invite these people to view their shiny new !@#holes. Can you go over their heads? Who can you write/call/email/all three over them who will in turn inspire them to go above and beyond for you? Find that person, make them your new best friend, and make it your mission to rock these people's worlds. Because it's not like you can do anything at this point to slow the process down anymore. Memorize the sentence "Who is your supervisor and how can I contact him/her?" and repeat it every time they trivialize what you have to say. They might have heard it all before, but all of this is a first for you. If they have lost sight of that, they are currently in the wrong job. Tell them the sweet baby Jesus told me so!

Anonymous said...

amen and amen, sistahs!