Sunday, December 28, 2008


Just in case you thought we'd forgotten! We did so much these last 10 weeks--oral surgery & fittings for a new partial, wedding calligraphy for 380+ invites (some twice!), a baby shower for my sister (in SC!), three (count them) 6-hour-one-way trips to SC, the Christmas parade, preschool, umm--Christmas (with its 400 cards)!, and then the odd backed-into car, busted waste pipe spewing sewage beneath the house, etc. Really, it's been quite calm (for not having medication)!

YoYo is our delight. Yesterday I woke from our afternoon nap when he patted my face gently & murmured, "So cute." Delicious boy! He got his Grandma when he asked to pray over lunch and proceeded to give thanks for "YeYe and NaiNai coming to my house to see me." He is so very sweet & deliberate. It is hard for me sometimes to remember his timid places, and that he likes to come to new people slowly and without fanfare.

Every time we turned around, it seemed, he begged us to sing "Silent Night" so he could make up a dance to it. He delighted in turning on the Christmas tree lights. He was so very careful each time he opened a present. He offered guests photos of himself (how he got a hold of them remains a mystery) or even ornaments from our tree, and he was so happy to decorate cookies on Christmas Eve.

We played in the leaves on Thanksgiving...

We went to the Franklin Christmas Parade with friends...

We spent time playing dress-up...

And did I mention we made cookies?

The only disappointment seemed to be when we headed to SC for the shower. YoYo made the cutest gingerbread (graham cracker) house in preschool, and he wanted to take it to show Nana and Papa. I forgot and left it in the kitchen, and as we rolled into Chesnee just shy of midnight, I heard his tiny voice pipe up, "Oh, no, Mama! I forgot my gingerbread house! I wanted to give it to Nana and Papa for a surprise!" I had no idea that was his plan. Sweetest little bear.


Chelsea Gour said...

It's a good thing we don't live closer or YoYo would be so sick of me trying to get hugs and kisses from him. He is such a cutey! You guys are great parents, Anna. Really! We miss you guys!

Chelsea Gour said...

Okay, love the snippets and want more now! NOW!